The soul must follow in order to enter this night of sense

Scripture how necessary it is for the soul to journey to God CHAPTER V.-Wherein the aforementioned subject is treated andĬontinued, and it is shown by passages and figures from Holy.Mortification of desire, in order that it may journey to union Soul truly to pass through this dark night of sense, which is CHAPTER IV.-Wherein is declared how necessary it is for the.Is that of the privation of the desire in all things, and gives CHAPTER III.-Speaks of the first cause of this night, which.Which the soul says that it has passed on the road to union CHAPTER II.-Explains the nature of this dark night through.To the two parts of man, the lower and the higher. Describes twoĭifferent nights through which spiritual persons pass, according CHAPTER I.-Sets down the first stanza.General Introduction To The Works Of St.Translator's Preface To The Second Edition.Translator's Preface To The First Edition.To the Discalced Carmelites of Castile, with abiding memories of their hospitality and kindness in Madrid, Avila and Burgos, but above all of their devotion to Saint John of the Cross, I dedicate this translation WESTMONASTERII: DIE XXIV SEPTEMBRIS MCMLII NIHIL OBSTAT: CEORGIVS SMITH, S.T.D., PH.D Translated and edited with a General Introduction, by Ascent Of Mount Carmel Saint John Of The Cross